Post-PhD Career Choices: Academia or Industry?

 I’m frequently approached by PhD students who are filled with anxiety about their future career paths, especially when they are reaching the end of their PhD. I also witness a lot of concerns on social media, with many early-career scientists doubting about their post-PhD journey.

One of the most common worries is the dilemma related choosing an academic or a non-academic career: should they stay in academia or go to industry? Is that considered a failure if they leave academia? Will they ever find a job as a PhD in industry or any other non-academic job?

There’s a prevailing misconception that a PhD necessarily leads to an academic career. But that idea is as outdated as it is limiting. The reality of our times is that most PhD graduates step out of academia directly after their degree. In fact, the ones who continue in academia are more the exception than the rule.

Yes, there are some who argue vehemently for the academic route. They believe it’s a place for the intellectually elite, a realm for those with a higher calling. But this is totally wrong. Many people choose to pursue their PhD for a variety of reasons, one of them being as a stepping stone into the private sector. Others, having experienced the unique challenges and pressures of academia during their doctoral journey, opt for a work environment that may offer different, often more favourable, conditions. There is no right or wrong path here, only different ones.

But why is academia not preparing PhD students for a non-academic career, you may think?

There’s a historical backdrop to this. For generations, a PhD was seen as the passport to an academic career, which was, and in some quarters still is, viewed not just as a profession, but an identity. This perception has its roots in an era when the job market was vastly different, and academia was considered an esteemed and prestigious career path. As a result, the academic environment, being primarily familiar with itself, cultivated a bias towards its own profession.

With this culture and the fact that many PhD programs are made for creating academics (focus on academic writing, scientific publication, teaching, etc.), it’s not a surprise that PhD students think academia is the only way to go after their promotion. Moreover, academia also suffers from the so-called institutional inertia, which means that changes are extremely slow and lag behind societal shifts. 

The good news is that today, a PhD can open up a multitude of career paths. Whether it’s in industry, government, non-profit organizations, start-ups, teaching, or the burgeoning realm of Alt-Ac (alternative academic) careers in higher education (such as administration, advising, and outreach), the opportunities are diverse. The versatility of a PhD is being increasingly recognized and appreciated.

Are you facing these uncertainties? In this case, I recommend you the following:

💡 Create your own unique career path.

💡 Understand that a PhD doesn’t necessarily lead to an academic career.

💡 Acknowledge that the prestige associated with an academic career has evolved over time.

💡 Base your career decisions on current realities, not past perceptions.

💡 Seek advice from your mentors.

💡 Engage with professionals in your desired fields for insights

And most importantly, tune in to your heart and intuition; they often guide you better than any external voices or societal pressures. Remember that you don’t need external validation for your choices.

Choosing the right career path post-PhD can seem daunting, but remember it’s your journey. Choose the path that aligns with your interests, passions, and aspirations. It’s a big journey to earn a PhD: make sure you chart your unique course in the world!


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