What Does Success Mean to You?

Is success only related to career achievements, wealth or the number of likes on social media?

Whether you’re a Master student, PhD candidate, or Postdoc, you’ve probably experienced this: a moment when you stop and think…

Am I really successful? 🤔

It’s a tricky question because success isn’t one-size-fits-all. We’re surrounded by benchmarks that seem to define it for us – job titles, income, or publishing in high-impact journals. And while these are important milestones, they might not match what truly matters to you.


Because success is something subjective. It’s deeply personal, and shaped by your goals, values, and unique circumstances.

This is important to realize, because trying to conform to someone else’s version can lead to frustration rather than fulfillment.

In today’s newsletter, I invite you to redefine success, and make it yours. For this, I’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide to help you find you own definition of success.

Defining success and finding your own definition

Before guiding you towards finding your definition of success, I’ll share with you what it means to me.

(This is the 2025 version; more on the dynamic part of it later)

As you may imagine, I’ve heard more than once in my career someone say “you need to publish more than xx papers per year to be successful” or “you won’t be successful if you don’t secure a big grant’”

Well, the good news is that I don’t care about these aspects: in my view, success is not defined by these metrics.

My definition of success

For me, success is about:

🔸Meaningful work

Contributing to projects that align with my values and make a tangible impact, whether that’s mentoring the next generation of scientists or demystifying academia through NextMinds.


Living a rich life outside my professional identity, investing in my health and nurturing relationships.

🔸Personal growth

Continuously learning new skills, embracing challenges, and evolving as an individual. I won’t feel fulfilled if I haven’t learnt anything – even a very tiny thing.

This definition has evolved over time. During my PhD, success was about publishing and advancing my research. Today, it’s about alignment with my values and creating a lasting impact. Your definition can (and should!) change as you grow.

Find your own definition of success

Here’s a small guide to help you finding what success means to you:

1️⃣ Reflect on your values

What truly matters to you? Is it freedom, recognition, creativity, or stability? Consider what brings you joy and fulfillment, both inside and outside of work.

2️⃣ Think beyond your immediate goals

Envision your ideal life five or ten years from now. How does your current role fit into that vision?

3️⃣ Define your key pillars

Identify 2-3 core elements that form your idea of success (e.g., impact, balance, growth).

4️⃣ Check for alignment

Ask yourself if your daily actions support these pillars. If not, brainstorm small changes to bring your life closer to your definition.

5️⃣ Document it

Write down your definition as a living statement you can revisit and refine.

Success is dynamic

Remember, success isn’t a fixed destination; it’s a journey. What drives you today might change tomorrow (or in 5 or 10 or 20 years) – and that’s okay. The key is to remain intentional, reassessing your goals and adapting your actions to ensure you’re pursuing a path that’s uniquely yours.

📢 The Take-Home Message

💡Success is deeply personal and subjective.

💡Define your own version of success by reflecting on your values and goals.

💡Regularly revisit your definition to ensure it evolves with you.

So… What does success mean to you? 😊

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